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Abraham’s final channeling on gematria, free will at octave and the meanings of “Haa-Meem” and “Taa-Haa”

Updated: Jan 22

Abraham was back today for their final session with us. Abraham was willing to provide information to the extent that they reconcile any karma that was left behind, but there is nothing left to reconcile. Gematria was a creation of their complex and it was not yet reconciled with the archetypal mind.

Questioner: Could you please tell us the significance of gematria? 

Abraham: Gematria can be used to intuit the codes and meanings behind words in a language. It is rooted deep in the archetypal mind, as are numbers. This system was used by the ancients and a similar system was used by the Atlantean and Mu civilizations in Russia. The gematria language is understandable in higher densities by using the archetypes, represented by numbers. We will elaborate. We may provide each archetype and its corresponding number. This material has been covered by previous channels, however, we may reiterate. The one to seven are matrix, potentiator, catalyst, experience, significator, transformation and the great way. For each of these categories is mind, body and spirit. The numbers may be understood from this understanding, coming to a total of 21 archetypes. This connection of numbers is the connection to gematria. Each number may be understood as a connection of archetypes.

Questioner: Thank you. We will work with these to strengthen our understanding of gematria. Our next question is, why do positive entities choose to intervene when it infringes on free will? For example, deities of scripture made it clear they were high-density by using what we would call superpowers.

Abraham: They do not choose to infringe on free will, for there is always a calling. These entities choose to serve in accordance with free will and are approved by the Council of Saturn. The only exception is those of octave and above, who serve the next octave and not the council. The council approves all entities that intend to serve; however, not all approaches are exact in their desire. The council uses its complex to discern those tactics which would be best for service. This is not always to the joy of the sacrificer but results in greater service.

Questioner: Would the action of an octave entity then be analogous to an entity slipping through the net of the veil?

Abraham: You are most correct. Free will acts as a function of the calling. These entities need not adhere to the calling but call themselves. 

Questioner: In a previous session, St. Paul spoke about similar vibratory sound complexes being closely related spiritually. We would like to ask about two terms specifically. "Haa-Meem" and "Taa-Haa". 

Abraham: The vibratory sound complex, ”Haa-Meem”, is a phrase of the wisdom potentiator. It is a revealer. The “Taa-Haa” is of comlpex nature. It is similar to the “aha” or “haha” of the English language. It can be used as a positive affirmation and is enjoyable to the ear. The nature of the vibratory sound complex is such that words in a language are closely connected by roots. Not all roots are the same and some are distorted over time. We ask you to take only what resonates and state that the vibratory sound complexes are similar in their natures. Each shares the "Haa" root, a symbol of joy among men. This joy is a distortion of pure joy. It is of love/light; however, joy in its purest is subject to fifth-density entity distortion. 

Questioner: Thank you. Are there any messages we should be aware of?

Abraham: There are many; however, they will not be from us. This will be our last message through this instrument. There are others who wish to communicate. The Shiva complex has had contact with you and wishes for another contact. Please be in tune with them. We leave you in the love and the light. Rejoice in love.



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