St. Paul on synchronicity, the window effect and fourth-density
Updated: Jan 20

In today’s session, we were given insight into the nature of synchronicity and the workings of a calling. We were informed of an upcoming window effect in which negative entities could penetrate the veil and were told that, in this case, there would be enough of a positive calling that there would not be a large negative impact. Finally, St. Paul enlightens us as to what the fourth-density experience is like.
St Paul: We are those of Paul. Welcome to our complex. We greet you in the love of the creator.
Questioner: What is the effect and mechanism of synchronicity?
St. Paul: There are many synchronicities. There are some positive and some unwelcome. These are general aids to direct entities, in the form of personally significant events. They are aids from a social memory complex known as the spirit complex totality and from the self, pre-incarnation. These are generally effective in the evolution of an entity, as they do not only direct action but assist in realizing the self. The entire life is planned. As such, they are aids that are similar to a person who says, “Hey, look at the stars. They are speaking to you”.
Questioner: Thank you. Could you please tell us the significance of the upcoming planetary alignment or planet parade?
St. Paul: There are many instances in which one could receive information through routes of channeling. One such instance is in the case of a calling. There will be a negative calling for an event to occur; however, this event will not occur as a calling will be made. The planetary alignment, or so-called planet parade, is an event that can procure many callings, as entities have reached out for help from the stars for many, many millennia. Consider this an opportunity to call. We believe the significance you desire to learn about is an upcoming window effect from the negative complexes. There will be a window of time in which this is possible.
Questioner: Could you please tell us the purpose of the upcoming window effect with respect to those who are calling?
St. Paul: The purpose is this: there will be a raising of negative energy to aid in the destruction of certain entities. This is an ongoing conflict, which will be aided nonetheless; however, the total weight of the impact may be reduced in the case that there is a calling against this negative calling, as all callings work.
Questioner: Is the negative calling related to planetary circumstances? As in occasions that are currently occurring on the planet?
St. Paul: This is the case. There are many wars in your so-called territories. This calling will aid those.
Questioner: Thank you. We will attempt to call against this negative calling. Is there a best way to call?
St. Paul: There is no best way. We will advise one method. The calling is held in the heart. To hold a calling in intention is to potentiate a calling against all odds. One that may reach the highest depths of infinity and penetrate that which is to be penetrated, calling a positive effect into action.
Questioner: Thank you! We will hold the positive calling in our hearts. We have just one more question. Which bodies do we have access to in fourth density?
St. Paul: As was previously stated, the fourth density is similar to an end-of-life state. We mean this in a positive light. The death brings all things in potential. This is the meaning of our statement. In the fourth density, you will have all bodies in potentiation.
Questioner: All bodies? How could that be? Doesn’t fourth density have a form of its own?
St. Paul: It does. However, the so-called astral projection is available in magnitudes greater than that which is generally experienced in the third density. This is the mechanism by which the higher-order bodies may be accessed. All densities are available if experience is desired. This is part of the creator’s plan to experience all things desired.
Questioner: Do entities ever travel to higher densities than previously experienced? If so, are they unprepared?
St. Paul: Entities often choose a high density of experience in order to gain experience that is unknown in their sub-density energy centers. We provide an example. A third-density soul may incarnate into the fifth density to gain experience in the fifth sub-octave of its third-density cycle. These entities are prepared with the archetypes of the density as well as given qualia or experience from entities of that density.
Questioner: So they are prepared by others who are of that density. That makes sense. I am truly thankful for all of the information we were able to gather today. May we contact you again when we have more questions?
St. Paul: This is well. We leave you in the love and light of the creator. Go forth in the light, love and peace. We wish to welcome you to our complex once again. Rejoice and be well.