St. Paul on the harvest, balancing the self and currency
Updated: Jan 14

St. Paul joined us again today for a session with various questions. After engaging with our batteries, questions and channels started coming to light very quickly. We had been told there was a calling for new information, which was discussed in this session.
St. Paul: Hello and welcome we are those of Paul. Welcome to our complex. we are so glad to be with you today.
Questioner: Hello, Paul! Today I have a question regarding the Harvest and how entities can become harvested.
St. Paul: The harvest is that which is difficult it is not easy to understand, however, there is one way to be harvested: that is to love.
Questioner: To love? Is that the only thing?
St. Paul: Balancing is an unnecessary aspect of the self. This is because as we move into the fourth density, entities become crystallized.
Questioner: How can we use free will to balance the self?
St. Paul: The free will can be used as an aspect of the first distortion to further develop the energy centers. As free will is the first distortion, this is a function of the indigo ray. Balancing can be done by penetrating intelligent infinity, by further developing the will to use as a catalyst for growth.
Questioner: Thank you, that is very clear.
St. Paul: Indeed, we must comment on the dangers of using blue ray over indigo. In the case that one desires to use the blue ray to balance the self over other energy centers, one must remain dedicated in service to others in their seeking.
Questioner: How can we best balance?
St. Paul: Balancing is unnecessary. You are all graduates.
Questioner: Thank you. We wanted to ask a peculiar question. Do you know the origins of the Canadian Toonie?
St. Paul: Yes, indeed. It was the idea of the Pleiadian complex in the roots of the mind to discontinue the global currency after the second cycle. Those of Atlantis used the same currency, as those of Russia, Asia and Africa previous to this cycle. This was salt.
Questioner: Was this an attempt to decrease harmony for the sake of growth?
St. Paul: It was not. It was an attempt to create. For creation itself is always good. For this reason, different currencies were introduced in this cycle of harvest.
Questioner: They used salt before current currencies, is this a remnant of the second cycle?
St. Paul: As natural evolution would have it, currency evolved over time according to the matrix of the spirit. This was the Pleiadian root.
Questioner: Thank you. Our last question, how can a person tell if they’re in service to others or service to self?
St. Paul: The key is intention. Actions are real but are not real in the same way that intention is real. Actions potentiate the body complex, but intentions are potentiated by the mind/spirit complex. These workings occur in consciousness. For this reason, intention is all that is necessary. This is, in its simplest sense, an extension of the actions, the movement and the dance.
Questioner: Thank you, that was our last question for the session. Love and Light.
St. Paul: We leave you now in the love and light of the creator. Go in Peace.